
I have been working quite hard over the last couple of weeks adapting the first part of ‘Holloway 8632’ into a screenplay and submitted it to the BBC.  The BBC is open for submissions until midnight tonight, so I got it completed just in time.  Now I just have to wait.  I’d never done screenplay before, so it was all new.  It was quite a challenge deciding how to do the flashbacks, as much of the early part of the novel is told that way.

I’m pleased I did it, as it has given me more ideas about screenplay.  I also wrote a summary of how the work may be part of a series.  Fingers Crossed.


I was checking on Amazon how my book was doing yesterday. This is always strange, as I don’t understand what being 175,000 on the best selling list actually means.  I was delighted to see that I’ve got my first review and it’s a good one!

Publishing tomorrow

I have just heard the book will be available on Amazon from tomorrow – 30th September.  I chose the cover and I’m very excited.  Get my book and let me know what you think.  I can’t wait to hear what people think about my work.  I have already had some feedback (to parts of it) from my Writing Group.  Their feedback has been invaluable.  I would recommend joining a writing group to anyone keen on writing.  It provides support and encouragement as well as feedback.  


Now sorted out in our new home, I hope to start on the sequel…